Tuesday, April 11, 2006


While scientists poke about

It may be no suprise to many of you that scientists do not know what the difference is between a planet, gas giant, star, or asteroid is. I have a simple solution to the definition problem that will also play heavily into stellar colonization in the future.

  1. Cosmic Dust - Dust, just like on earth usually fractions of an inch in particle size.

  2. Cosmic Rubble - Particles between dust and bolder sizes (say 5 metric tons)

  3. Asteroid - Any object larger than rubble whose own gravity does not force the object into a spheroid, or very close approximation.

  4. Minor planet - Any spheroidal rocky object incapable of sustaining more than .5G

  5. planet - Any spheroidal rocky object sustaining .5G - 2G (essentially being livable gravity)

  6. Major planet - Any spheroidal rocky object sustaining greater than 2G

  7. Minor Gas Planet - Any spheroidal object incapable of sustaining more than .5G at surface with no rocky core, or whose rocky core comprises less than 2% of its total mass

  8. Gas Planet - Any spheroidal object sustaining .5G - 2G at surface with no rocky core, or whose rocky core comprises less than 2% of its total mass

  9. Gas Giant - Any spheroidal object sustaining greater than 2G with no rocky core, or whose rocky core comprises less than 2% of its total mass

  10. [Added 05/23/2006]Minor Liquid Planet - Any spheroidal object incapable of sustaining more than .5G at surface with a rocky core comprising more than 2% of its total mass and none of the surface area.

  11. [Added 05/23/2006]Liquid Planet - Any spheroidal object sustaining .5G - 2G at surface with a rocky core comprising more than 2% of its total mass and none of the surface area.

  12. [Added 05/23/2006]Liquid Giant - Any spheroidal object sustaining greater than 2G with a rocky core comprising more than 2% of its total mass and none of the surface area.

  13. [Changed 05/23/2006]Gas Super Giant/Dwarf Star - Any spheroidal object capable of self-sustaining fusion that does not consume or involve enough mass to maintain a specific absolute brightness.

  14. [Changed 05/23/2006]Star - Any spheroidal object whose fusion consumes or involves enough mass to maintain a specific absolute brightness.

Beyond this, according to currently held views, is just collections of these objects. Please comment or refine these definitions below.

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