Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Excercise in near-0g....

Hey all...

I just finished reading Space.Com's article (see link) about exercise. This will be a major issue as we "go where no man has gone before" so to speak. Sure, astronauts have the equivalence of osteoporosis by the time they return to earth now, and the study is geared toward reducing these effects on them, but what will this mean to the planet-dwellers like the present day you and me. My grandfather has lost height, not nearly as bad as grandma did, from age and bone degeneration. Perhaps their studies into exercise, diet, and medications should also be reviewed here on earth (not that we follow their recommendations down here at this time). Just think, the next great "Get In Shape Now" trend may be the NASA-routine. Have fun balancing your aerobic and resistance training!

Thursday, April 02, 2009

... delays in updates ...

First off, I apologize for the infrequency...

On to business, with my current work schedule, and trying to write three more unpublished novels, I've had little time to pay attention to space news. However, Props are due to NASA latest shuttle crew for a job well done... and if I recall aright... going above and beyond the original mission specs. Back later.