Monday, May 15, 2006

Technology in space

STAIF - Space Technology and Applications International Forum - occurs yearly in February and covers the prospect of using current or emerging technology for exploration and intersteller settlement. In otherwords, my favorite topic: STELLAR COLONIZATION.

Alright, I checked for this one. This group has thought out how to use technology that seems unrealated to space exploration in colonization scenarios. One Site (STAIF 2007 hosted by the University of New Mexico) contains links to conference CFPs -- Last year they requested 58 different topics -- covering many possible disciplines. Take for example Research Warps into Hyperdrive posted on -- Just the title, before reading the store has me thinking of Star Trek style voyages -- definately a way to propel interstellar colonization. It is however, just a theoretical discussion of advanced propulsion.

Gotta go!

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