Sunday, April 30, 2006

Interstellar shielding

Okay... time to go trekkie? No... This is real science

Shields Up! New Radiation Protection for Spacecraft and Astronauts on describes shielding based on electrostatic charges and arranging the "cryogenic" fluids in such a way that they capture interstellar radiation. Other articles discuss cold-plasma, the art and science of plasma torpedos and shielding.

Why post this here? Simple enough. You can not expect a large long-term crew or colony to exist in space if they are constantly bombarded with micro-particles and radiation. The earth has a natural series of protective devices (some of which, may or may not be in the process of being destroyed depending on who you talk to) that eliminate most of this threat. This natural shielding, unfortunately is not imparted to space-craft and station components, of which, the most sensitive is the contained life - you, me, and anything else shot into space that has the opportunity to learn, grow, and procreate.

Let me ask you, who is responsible for deploying your shield or your children's when we finally decide to vaction on the moon or take a tour of Mars up close and personal? If the technology is not developed, tested, and used now, what harm can befall those brave pioneers of our first permanent, non-research settlement I expect the ESA, JAXA, and/or NASA to attempt to setup on the moon by the end of the decade? This is not a time to take colonization lightly, each day, each test, each aerospace corporation whether or not owned by a government entity brings us closer to Asimovian visions of space life.

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