I was perusing the NASA budget and saw these three outstanding indicators of the space industry
NASA Goals:
- Completing the Space Station
retiring the Space Shuttle in 2010- transition from the Space Shuttle to the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle and Ares launch vehicles
It's not until page 5 that you get to the actual numbers. Here you can see that Astrophysics and Heliophysics are both getting pay cuts on this year's budget according to the 2008 report (if the date is to be believed). Science overall takes a budget cut on that version of the document while exploration and operations goes up. With satellites colliding in orbit and falling like so many meteors to earth, this seems like a mistake... I am still looking for a 2009 dated file. The only thing that looks like it gets continuously an increase in funding, to me at any rate, is the agency's legal team and maintenance programs.