Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Colonists Right #4

Basic human rights

A government of this modern enlightened age should respect basic human rights, and most do, barring the occasional dictator or extremist regimes.

Because of this, no colony or station can be fully embargoed unless it is self-sustaining. Embargoed settlements that are not self-sustaining will be subject to a multi-government oversight committee to include the embargoed settlement, settlements levying the embargo, neutral settlements, and allied settlements.

The committee must be made of equal parts of supporting governments on both sides and at least 1 neutral arbitrator (preferably an equal number) but no more than the number of governments on either side of the embargo. It is preferred to have a minimum of five governments present when more than two governments are imposing the embargo.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Colonists Right #3

Right of Competition

To prevent concentration camps from developing, governments (both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial) must encourage competition and foster fair trade within a single colony or station.

Not only will this generate competition, but no advancement can be made as quickly without motivation. Civilization almost demands that advancement occur in order to keep up with the quality or the necessities of life.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Colonists Right #2

Government Right-Of-Way

No government may own an entire colony, but may own services supplied to the colony with the appropriate right-of-way laws to make expansion possible as needed for the colony.

The government is not the facility. It is a representation of the people of a colony. As such, it is an idea which should not in and of itself be personified. However, for the welfare of the citizen, a government should be able to provide the necessities of life and habitat support.

It is understood that progress happens. The government of a colony may be required to make modifications to the habitat in order to continue providing the critical life necessities. Citizens are expected to be made aware of and cooperated with (not coerced) in the process of instuting the needed improvements.

Colonists Right #1

No corporation may own to the point of exploitation any habitat.

We have too many instances in our planetary history where people have become virtual slaves of the corporation or the government that began a town. In many cases, perhaps all cases, the citizens of the town had to live by strict, cruel, or unusual laws. At what point in our future do we as citizens of Earth need to step up to the plate and prevent future concentration camp environments? I say it is now before they develop.

Who will the first brave colonists be subject too? An unjust series of laws and dictators, or to a just series of laws and duly elected representives who can safely be removed from office for violating their rights?

Extra-Terrestrial Charter

Extraterrestrial Charter

Space Colony Bill of Rights

This is the first in a series of a bill of rights for space colonists.

For the purposes of this charter the following definitions will apply:

settlement will refer to any habitat including: planetary (including Earth), station based, planetoid, moon, asteroid, or other location where human populations exist.

government will include the officials in charge of any settlement.

habitat will be defined as any contained or non-contained environment with the necessary space, accompanying good, and needed equipment to support life.

research-only facility will not include permanent housing once settlements off earth are established.

self-sufficient will include any settlement as defined above, capable of providing all necessary utilities and needs to support life (food, water, air, clothing, and shelter).